May 2018

Infant Massage Course In this blog, I'll take you through some of the main reasons both you and your baby will benefit from participating in our infant massage course. Perhaps you haven't given it much thought until now, however, be assured that the health, social and emotional aspects of what is offered has an immensely positive impact for the babies and the parents. 1. Bonding Massaging your baby from birth establishes a healthy platform to develop trust and enable the parent/infant relationship to grow and thrive. It is said that Massage is a way that we can communicate with our infants, communicating through touch. Touch is the first language of an infant. The Baby Love Infant Massage Course will outline how your baby sees the world and learns through the other senses well before developing verbal skills. Incorporating massage into the daily routine, even if only a few minutes a day, will be very beneficial for both the baby and his/her care giver. 2. Less Crying When your baby cries, he or she isn’t angry with you, or intentionally trying to make your life difficult. Your baby is merely expressing a need he/she has. Crying is the means they will use to alert you to their need. Did you know that universally babies are said to speak the same language? Neither did I until after the birth of my baby. Read more on this here Babies express a different cry to express hunger, pain, tiredness. Fascinating, and in all my years teaching infant massage, I wish I had listened to my mother (retired midwife) who had suggested I become familiar with this during my pregnancy. It certainly would have made life easier in the initial weeks/months of having a new baby. Our state's educator is Sonja Preston of  The Parenting Cafe 3. Improved Sleep Every new parent...

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